Board of Directors


The Board of Directors is the Company’s highest business decision-making center and highest governing body. It holds meetings at least quarterly to review operating performance, discuss important strategies, and approve strategies for company development, organizational restructuring, corporate strategies and vision, and material issues affecting stakeholders’ rights and interests.

According to the Company’s Articles of Incorporation, there should be 5 to 17 directors elected through a candidate nomination system for a term of three years, and they may be re-elected. Among them, there should be three independent directors, all of whom should form the Audit Committee.

As the Board of Directors shoulders the responsibility for major decision-making, when it is discussing relevant proposals with conflicts of interest involved, directors should comply with the code of conduct and recuse themselves from discussion and voting for specific proposals where their personal interests are involved. To improve the corporate governance mechanism and reduce the risks directors and key staff bear in exercising their rights and fulfilling their obligations, we purchase Directors, Supervisors, and Key Staff Liability Insurance every year

Guiding Principles

1. Formulate and disclose the Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles in accordance with the Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies.
2. Safeguard shareholders’ rights and interests and treat them equally.
3. Strengthen the structure and operation of the Board of Directors.
4. Increase information transparency.
5. Promote sustainable development.
6. Supervise ESG risk management to enhance corporate sustainable values.
    Environmental – Carbon and water management under climate change.
    Social  –  Due diligence governance of labor rights and employee care.
    Governance – Competencies of the Board of Directors and risk governance.


※Click CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OPERATION for more information.