out team



Businesses of each major department

Unit nameDepartment business
Compensation CommitteeFormulate and periodically review the compensation policies, systems, standards, and structures for senior management, taking into account related performance and risks. Establish performance evaluation standards to ensure fairness and effectiveness.
Audit CommitteeAssist the board of directors in fulfilling their oversight role in ensuring the company's effective compliance with the Company Act, Securities Exchange Act, and other relevant regulations.
ESG Sustainable Development CommitteePromote policies, systems, and management guidelines related to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) issues, as well as related plans to enhance corporate social responsibility and fulfill long-term commitments to stakeholders.
Food Safety CenterImplement and plan systems related to food safety policies and certifications, execute the company's food safety management plan, monitor food hygiene, and conduct supplier audits. Oversee the effectiveness and appropriateness of the management system to ensure quality and food safety.
Hiring CommitteeImplement and enhance human resource development policies, review significant revisions to various HR systems, adjudicate disputes and other matters related to personnel rights and interests.
Safety and Health CenterDiscuss, coordinate, and recommend matters related to occupational safety and health. Through planning, implementation, evaluation, and improvement of measures, enhance the occupational safety and health management system to achieve safety and health management goals.
IT Security CommitteePlan and monitor information security systems, supervise and execute maintenance for information security, assess risks and suggest improvements, promote employee training and education on security awareness, respond to information security incidents, and ensure compliance.
Audit DivisionAssist the board of directors and management in reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of internal control systems and their compliance with relevant laws. Provide timely suggestions for improvement to ensure the continuous and effective implementation of internal controls.
Chairman's OfficeDevelop the company's overall strategy, explore new business ventures for the group, manage high-level decisions and public relations, drive corporate development, and lead and coordinate departmental operations to achieve corporate goals.
Operating and Management SectionDrive the management system, regularly analyze business operations and profit and loss performance, make decision-making recommendations, and assist the company in operational analysis and management.
General Manager's OfficeStrategic planning for business operations, development of new markets, and expansion of new business opportunities; formulation and promotion of management policies and objectives, planning and resolution follow-up of management meetings, and supervision of public statements.
Food Crops Business UnitManage grain business operations, sales management of soybean processing-related products, soy flour market marketing, and the management and operation of breeding farms; evaluate and promote new business development opportunities to meet market demands, and enhance the continuous growth and market competitiveness of grain products.
Consumer Food Business UnitOperate in consumer food, commercial food, and alcoholic beverage sectors, managing brands and channel promotions, expanding commercial food business activities, and advancing international OEM and market development to meet consumer needs.
R&D UnitResearch and develop food, oils, and OEM products, improve technology, and ensure food safety and quality assurance to meet standards and obtain food safety certifications. Innovate in packaging material development and actively research and develop new products to meet and address market demands.
Logistics Dept.Improve transportation and distribution, warehouse management, and packaging management to enhance overall logistics efficiency, reduce customer complaints, achieve distribution cost control goals, and meet channel demands.
Productive Business UnitManage production planning and oversight for in-house and outsourced manufacturing units, enforce quality policies, enhance overall production efficiency, ensure smooth operation of production lines and product delivery schedules, and maintain a safe and healthy work environment in production facilities.
IT Dept.Ensure the stable operation of information systems, resolve technical issues, promote internal business data sharing, improve work efficiency and processes, and continuously develop new systems to support company operational needs.
Finance and Accounting Dept.Manage group financial reporting and fund management, adhere to accounting standards and conduct risk assessments to ensure the company's financial health and continuously improve corporate governance.
Administrative Business UnitEnhance supply chain management and procurement advantages to ensure stability; nurture and develop talent to create a competitive work environment, actively promoting sustainable corporate development.


 the board of directors

The tenure of the 24th Board of Directors (Elected on May 28, 2024)

TitleNamePrincipal educationCurrent Position(s)/ExperienceRemark
Department of Law, National Taiwan UniversityCurrent Positions:
Chairman of Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Chairman of Long Bon International Co., Ltd.

Chairman of Baosheng Investment Co., Ltd.

Director of Taiwan FamilyMart Co., Ltd.

Director of Central Union Oil Corp.

Chairman of Pin-Tai Distribution Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Chairman of Taisun Yuan Co., Ltd.

Director of Rei Ju Construction Co., Ltd.

Director of Taiwan Niko Mart Co., Ltd.

Chairman of Taisun (Cayman) Investment Ltd.

Chairman of Lungyen Life Service Corporation
Department of Physics, Tamkang UniversityCurrent Positions:
Chairman of Evga Corporation

Director of Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd.,
Master of Laws from the College of Social Sciences, Department of Law, Tunghai UniversityCurrent Positions:
Director of Authenticity Attorneys-at-law

Vice Chairman of Long Bon International Co., Ltd.

Director of ETtoday Co., Ltd.

Director of Eastern Global Co., Ltd.

Director of Eastern Media International Corp.

Director of Sheng-Cheng Corporation Ltd.

Independent Director of Mei Ya Steel Pipe Co., Ltd.

Supervisor of Sanyi Construction Co., Ltd.

Independent Director of Union Insurance Company

Chairman of Wanze Co., Ltd.

Director of Care Pet Bio-Tech Company

Director of Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd.,

Independent Director of CTBC Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

Independent Director of Taiwan Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

Judge at Taiwan High Court

Judge and Presiding Judge at Taipei District Court

Tung Fang Junior College of IndustryCurrent Positions:
Chairman of Fortune Base Development Co., Ltd.

Director of Long Bon International Co., Ltd.

Chairman of Rei Ju Construction Co., Ltd.

Chairman of the Private Global Funeral Services Beihai Fuzu Cemetery

Representative of all branches of Global Funeral Services Corporation, Ltd.

Chairman of I Feng Investment Co Ltd.

Chairman of Yu Lung Construction Development Co Ltd.

Director of ORIENTAL SUNSTAR Golf Club

Chairman of Water Meworld Co., Ltd.

Chairman of New Taipei City Global Funeral Services Social Welfare Charity Foundation

Director of Global Funeral Services Golf Sports Development Foundation

Chairman of San Chih Tzu An Garden Co Ltd.

Chairman of Lung Fu Real Estate Co Ltd.

Chairman of Lung Hui Development Co Ltd.

Chairman of Ming Hsi Development Co Ltd.

Chairman of Lung Pao Industry Co Ltd.

Chairman of Heng Chuang Industry Co Ltd.

Chairman of Lung Te International Development Co Ltd.

Chairman of Tong Hwa Golf & Country Club

Chairman of Chen Chuang Co Ltd.

Director of Global Funeral Services Corporation, Ltd.

Chairman of Pei Hai Recreation Co Ltd.

Director of Pei Hai Insurance Broker Co Ltd.

Director of Global Funeral Services Pet Co., Ltd.

Director of Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Chief Operating Officer of Global Funeral Services Corporation's Funeral Business Division

General Manager of Chan Yun Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Associate Manager of Chin Pao Shan Group

Director of Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Graduated from the Class of 1986 of the Army Academy R.O.C. (AAROC).

Graduated from the Class of 1999 of the Army Command and Staff College, National Defense University.

Graduated from the Class of 2012 of the Advanced Public Policy Program, Institute of Public Affairs, National Sun Yat-sen University.
Current Positions:
Director of Sung Gang Digital Technology CO., Ltd.

Director of Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Chairman of United Geotech Inc.

Director of the Office of the President of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Ninth Term.

Secretary-General of the Lee Teng-hui Foundation.

General Manager of GGP Biotechnology Co. Ltd.
Master of Business Administration from the California State University, FullertonCurrent Positions:
Chairman of Emperor Love Enterprise CO., Ltd.

Director of Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Vice Chairman of Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Director of Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Director of Taisun Enterprise (Zhangzhou) Foods Co., Ltd.

General Manager of JIAN-TAI Co., Ltd.

Deputy General Manager of Pin-Tai Distribution Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Independent Director
Bachelor's degree in Industrial Management Technology from Taiwan University of Science and TechnologyCurrent Positions:
Chairman of Topway Technology Co., Ltd.

Chairman of WÉCLAT Biomedical Inc.

Independent Director of Longbon Inc.

Independent Director of Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd.

General Manager of Jetway Information Co., Ltd.
Independent DirectorHu,
International Trade at Takming University of Science and TechnologyCurrent Positions:
Chairman of AIOS Corp.

Independent Director of Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Supervisor of EVGA Corp.

Director of Enlight Corp.
Independent Director
Bachelor of International Trade from National Chengchi University

Master of Business Administration from the University of California
Current Positions:
Partner of JYH HER CPAs

Independent Director of GrandTech C.G. Systems Inc.

Independent Director of IKKA Holdings(Cayman) Ltd.

Independent Director of Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd.,

Independent Director of Cheer Time Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Independent Director of Jabon Technology Co., Ltd.

CFO of Taiwan Listed Companies Association

Partner at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA LLP

General Manager at Deloitte Financial Advisory Services Ltd.

Futures Group, Securities and Futures Bureau, Ministry of Finance

Director of the CABIAB

Director/Secretary-General of the Taiwan Corporate Reorganization Association

Committee Member of the Futures and Options Promotion Group, Taipei Securities Association

Dispute Mediation Committee Member, Chinese National Futures Association

Committee Member of the Education and Training Committee, Financial Planning Association of Taiwan

Lecturer at MAPECT

Lecturer at Taipei Securities Association

Lecturer at Securities and Futures Institute

Lecturer at the Financial Personnel Training Classes

Lecturer at the Training Institute, Ministry of Finance

Lecturer at IIA

Lecturer at Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei

The tenure of the 23rd Board of Directors (ended on May 27, 2024)

TitleNamePrincipal education ExperienceRemark
Department of Law, National Taiwan UniversityDirector of Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd.,
Chairman of Long Bon International Co., Ltd.

Chairman of Baosheng Investment Co., Ltd.

Chairman of Lungyen Life Service Corporation

Chairman of Reiju Construction Co Ltd.
Department of Physics, Tamkang UniversityDirector of Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd.,

Chairman of Evga Corporation
Master of Laws from the College of Social Sciences, Department of Law, Tunghai UniversityDirector of Authenticity Attorneys-at-law

Independent Director of CTBC Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

Independent Director of Taiwan Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

Judge at Taiwan High Court

Judge and Presiding Judge at Taipei District Court

Director of the Lian Teh Industrial Development Foundation

Chairman of Jing Ping Industrial Co., Ltd.

Independent Director of Chun Yuan Steel Industrial Co., Ltd.
Tung Fang Junior College of IndustryChairman of Fortune Base Development Co., Ltd.

Director of Long Bon International Co., Ltd.
2024/3/25 reassign
University of British Columbia, Canada, Bachelor Degree,Director of Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd.,

Supervisor of Pin-Tai Distribution Enterprise Co., Ltd.,

Supervisor of Pioneer Traffic Co. Ltd., Director of Taisun Yuan Co., Ltd.,

Chairman and General Manager of Taisun Enterprise (Zhangzhou) Foods Co., Ltd.

Chairman of Hongqiang Co., Ltd.
Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteGeneral Manager of Taiwan Wax Co., Ltd.

Director of Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Independent Director
Bachelor in Accounting, Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan University

Master of Laws from Soochow University

Doctor of Law from the Institute of Law, University of International Business and Economics (China)
Partner and Director at FOCPA Accounting Firm2024/3/13 resign
Independent Director
Bachelor of International Trade from National Chengchi University

Master of Business Administration from the University of California
Independent Director of Cheer Time Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Independent Director of Jabon Technology Co., Ltd.

CFO of Taiwan Listed Companies Association

Partner at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA LLP

General Manager at Deloitte Financial Advisory Services Ltd.

Futures Group, Securities and Futures Bureau, Ministry of Finance

Director of the CABIAB

Director/Secretary-General of the Taiwan Corporate Reorganization Association

Committee Member of the Futures and Options Promotion Group, Taipei Securities Association

Dispute Mediation Committee Member, Chinese National Futures Association

Committee Member of the Education and Training Committee, Financial Planning Association of Taiwan

Lecturer at MAPECT

Lecturer at Taipei Securities Association

Lecturer at Securities and Futures Institute

Lecturer at the Financial Personnel Training Classes

Lecturer at the Training Institute, Ministry of Finance
Independent DirectorHuang,
Bachelor of Laws from the Department of Law, National Chung Hsing UniversityArbitrator at the Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei

Partner Lawyer at Wen Hui Attorneys at Law

Principal Attorney at MH Lawoffice

Junior Partner Lawyer at Formosa Transnational Attorneys at Law

Senior Attorney at Baker McKenzie