
首頁 聯絡我們
2024 聯絡我們 繁中 英文


請詳閱下列聲明 Please read the following statement:

1. 本網頁僅限欲聯繫客戶相關服務使用。
This page is only for customer related services.

2. 請同意授權本公司將您的個資交付內部其他單位,以利解決問題。此個資包含:姓名、聯絡電話及E-Mail。除本公司之外,相關個資將不會交付給任何其他機構或第三人。
Please agree to authorize our company to your personal funds to other internal units for services. This funding includes: name, phone number and E-Mail. In addition to the Company, the relevant funds will not be delivered to any other organization or a third person.

3. 您的個資僅作為客戶服務使用,當服務結案之後,公司有保留案例以供公司精進參考或進行刪除之權限。
Your personal funds are used only as customer service. When the service is closed, the company has reserved cases for company's reference or deletion.

4. 若不同意填寫必要的資料,恕無法提供本項服務。
If you do not agree to fill in the necessary information, will not be able to provide this service.

5. 本人已詳細並確認充分理解本段注意事項之文字內容。
I have detailed and confirmed the contents of the full understanding of this note.